Wednesday, February 3, 2010

view of the lake mk 2

Walking down observatory drive I glance aside
There’s a spot that the eye seems to slide by
Threadbare curtain of leaves drawn back by winter
Snowfall levees hold, break before a flood
of memories, washed back to first days at school,
Overwhelmed by experience so raw and new
feeling the need to leave the routine
escape the beaten path, turn away from the lake
Slipped behind the drapes and found a window
with a clear view of the lakeshore, path and forest

Grounded and centered I found my rock
Crystal bubble, unbreakable transience fleeting
Cross my legs and close my eyes
unfolded heart and opened mind
Lotus soul flowers fed
by inner fire coals
tongues breathe
embers glow
petals unfurl
nirvana buds
cusp of heaven
delicate balance
unthinking being
thoughts intrude again
Flower fires fade away
Open my eyes and bank the coals
Unfold my legs and rejoin the herd
back on track amidst the mass
Standing apart but still on the path
amongst placid cattle driven to class
Buddha mind rises above my stress

I rarely get back to lakeshore these days
But I’ll never forget my solitary zen rock
whenever shit gets tough or I think of quitting
I can slip out of the push, the grind the bustle
Sit down and contemplate the beauty of a moment.

Breathe out my cares, dark heavy thoughts
Breathe in the air, crisp cold draught
Breathe out insanity, breathe in clarity
Breathe out taught, breathe in naught
Breathe out wrong, breathe in song
Breathe out, breathe in

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