Wednesday, March 25, 2009

a little rappin before bedtime

jealousy trickling through my breast

old rivalry comin home to rest

but we all know whos the best

gonna let it show like a queer at pride fest

spitting quick now watch this trick

watch nick rap around the candlestick

see the words flow by, the seconds tick

crash through your skull, heavy as a brick

these phat revelations flowin down my bic

               cuz i'm so sick

yo you think you slick? 

                                  i think you better stick

to you day job, go work in a garage

fix up other folks broke garbage

while all the fine honeys be at the bars

take a seat on the side while i spit hot bars

make all those ladies crash their cars

got all these females seein stars

stars in your eyes now watch out, suprise!

time to cut it up i speak no lies

girl its time to shed all your ties

come be with me, the man that tries            To Please Ya!

to make your blood pressure rise

from where i stand, between your thighs

i can see the truth, in your eyes

what you finnally recognize

now listen to the preacher as he testifies

He is the best! The glory and the savior! Praise be to Him! Amen! Hallelujah!

"is he really serious?" damn right i'm so sacrilegious 

but you must admit it makes you curious

well i'll say what you wanna hear, fuck religion i believe in us!

we the people/you and I/we all got the power to touch the sky

so lets all unite lets all get down, do the funky drummer, act like a clown

just have some fun, red-paint the town

so lets be we like royalty,  get wild like a bush baby, go crazy, let me see

you and me

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


god damn none of this is quality
makes me wanna slap psychology
got me thinkin all the time
thinkin, thinkin, always in rhyme
beat you down with words
life you up with verbs
so act, work, change and improve
at the very least start to move

feel the beat risin from the floor
pulls you off your ass, out the door
couplets of grace, words like silk
taste as good as momma's milk

gotta keep spittin my truth till i die
never hit a woman, never spit a lie
my words gonna slay opression
kill depression
stop the stressin
they distressin
i ain't messin
hear the lesson

summertime fun

quietly trippin
on the grass of the lawn
meditation buddha like takes me along
where im going to a place i gotta be.
watching the earth breathe

red shoots spring next to young tree strong
new life of fire born
into the dawn
little green aphids on the page
flicked em' away, back they came

life finds a way

watch the clipped earth breathe - swaying grass in the shade

sun time

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A 3AM Mirrored Joint

Fingers tinged with scent of spliff
Tobacco twined seductively with green buds
Brown admist the marijuana, life and death
Cancerous smoke drips from my slightly opened mouth
frost creeps across my window panes

Madison at night is peaceful and still
Lights blink at empty streets
A lone biker braves the cold
Do not walk

So much to do, so much to say but will it ever be said
Will it instead be lost as so much has….drifting forever on unsprung waves of possibility
Other dimensions spiraling into infinity
I could have been so many things
Am I no thing

Is that a beautiful thing? What is no thing, where is it ?
Who could it be?
Why should he be?
Why Not

Sparse, clean
Lines of thought
Geometric precision on the page
Tab space
Limits imposed by the medium

But oh, the potential.

Galaxy is born, red rose petal opens into space
A spot of light begins all things, trailing interstellar poetry
Waves of light and dark dance through space
The rose unfolds, the light swells
In unison, there is fusion

and then?

Words are my medium, the canvas upon which I am.
But what am i? Is there more to me than words can say
Does the story of my life exist outside of the words telling it
And as I tell the stoy of my life, who is listening
Maybe they are deaf….i must show them things

the end of the world as you know it

I am wasted potential wrecked futures decaying on the ground,
Spent seed in trashcans, empty shells in the sudan
Golden ruin in the sand, could have been a man
No direction

Nowhere to go anymore, nothing is worth it
Cynicism is an empty sort of wisdom
These days we all crave the tit
Teat of solace, come kingdom
Distraction, abstraction, rationalization, mendacity, mediocrity, hypocrisy

No one cares as the fires rage Reagan seeds come to fruition as great clouds of death

The world is a lie mothers tell their children so they can sleep at night

But we don’t sleep and we are scared
So they drug us good and happy sleepy complacent stoned cows Buddha like in the gathering storm darkness
Has the hurricane hit? Is this the eye of the storm?
Or is it the calm before…….

Come oh storm, oh electric fury oh thunderous majesty come storm to make me whole again I will ride you I have been waiting

All my life for this moment, when the whole world is in flux, shifts, ready to change. Find the fulcrum and it all slides left into that great abyss of life off the precipice of irrational number crunching bureaucratic triplicate automized automat cookie cutter living and into

The great wide open. Under these skies of blue

And when the storm hits who will give you shelter? Where you gonna run to mr. Man? Who are you mr. man why have you done this for so long to so many people.

Who hurt you as a child? Who didn’t love you? Why didn't you love?

You can’t hear me…..all your thousands of ears must be reached and made to listen and think and open up to the freshness of the world around them.

Society is like a gradually thickening scab cutting us off from the reality of the world around us till we are trapped in webs of unreality irrationality insane things that we do everyday and think it’s all fine but this plan is fucked up, we can see it, we can say it but we keep on trucking through to the promised land climbing the mountain making wealth forever and ever till the earth dies beneath our feet and our tears are the only thing left to drink

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

zen and the art of poetry

Zen Lunacy

"To Go Outside the Mythos is to be insane"
well that explains the state of my membrane
i am crazy, so they say, because i've chosen
that to this false reality i'm not beholden
insanity is just a mind different from theirs
well fuck their bullshit and their silly cares
regular everyday accepting no other way
while i will fight to see the world be my way
and my viewpoint is something they can never take away
                     so all i got to say:
      insanity is sanity for me can't you see
      that crazy is the way to be
                   outside the system
                                                   inside my head
           my problems i'll list em
                                                   ya'll heard what i said
 gonna advance consciousness
                                                   by posing an alternative
              way to fight the stress
                                                   a new way to live
                     change everything
                                                   One mind at a time
                          changes i bring 

                                                   one per rhyme

inspired by Robert Pirsig's "Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"

best book ever


fuck yea

Monday, March 2, 2009

old poetry new ideas

Flow to the beat
The pulse of the night
The crazy, jiving,
Makes life worth living
Tempo beats through your eyes
Climbs out your ears
Makes you wanna care
Ties you up and out
Holds you down and in
Cant stop moving
The beat wont stop calling
Its all about falling
Free falling through the night
No gravity, nothing pushing down
Free to dance and be
Like all the religions say
Here’s my paradise
On the dance floor
Where its just me
No one to shut the door
Freedom, plain and pure
Freedom through the music.

Lets go on a gender bender you and I
We shall show our wings, start to fly

The Veil
My wonder at the way the music moves
Your hips through the emptiness
Spreads the world out like a magazine
Open to any eyes that can see
But only yours can pierce
That veil of silence and silk

Between the world and the music

The lined hand of the servant
Spills the cup of life
Throws out the dirty tissue
Soiled with the detritus
Of five thousand years
Of human tears
Shed for the blood
Shed for the hate
Shed for the fear
Shed far and near
Those tears fill the world
Hidden beneath the surface
The old pain seeks to rise
To meet the new pain
Created with each new day
Held back by that thin membrane
Of all that is good in the world
Kindness, Charity, Peace and Wonder
Love stands strong against the pain
Hope keeps us able to love again

He wants the world to all makes sense
She wants it all to be safe, controlled
He wants the pain to end
They want conformity, peace, safety
I want strife, life, originality
The end to this era of sin
I want us all to stand up, and make a choice
Just choose, good or evil
Stand for something, stand up strong
Make the world yours again
Like it was when you were small
When everything was black and white
Make a choice, light a light
Push back the darkness
Find these great heights
Of anything, everything, something
That makes you happy, sad, strong, proud or weak
End the ambiguity, the apathy
This world is just waiting for you
To step from your safe little hole
And take hold of life
Freedom is a scary thing

Chains bind us all, blind us all
We think we are safe, we think we are in control
We think that we are right, that we are strong
We need to throw off our shackles
Heavy chains of reason, logic and conformity
Make our own choices, not those of someone else
You have no obligations, no ties binding you anywhere
Life is what you make of it
Its all a choice
So why not choose freedom, your own true freedom
Freedom is a scary thing

Now we need to find
That we are truly blind
We hold onto all we ever knew
Not thinking, we never grew
While we held onto these weights
The world was moving to new heights
Passed by the open window
We were to scared to flow
On our own we could escape
We waited for a hero in a cape
Its time to take a step
Time to make a leap
No need for faith
We can see the path
It stretches ahead
Freedom can go to your head

Where Is my heart
Is it buried under the part
Of the world where children play
Under the rainforest where
Businessmen spend their day
Or is it in the hand
Of some unknown knower
Who starts a band
To spread the power of some flower
I think not, I think that my heart
Is where ever it wants to start.

Shots blur through the dark night
Blue suede darkness, ripped by death’s flight
Time slows as the reaper arrives
That Grim ending, claiming yet more lives

We have the power to create
Why do we always have to destroy
Five minutes of hate
Can ruin a lifetime of joy

Where is life, where is love?
Is it in the feel of a knife, the flight of a dove?
Does life mean death, is pain an absolute
Draw the gun from its sheath, take aim and shoot

I see a girl standing in the hall
She looks my way, her glance makes me fall
My knees are weak, my words stall
I have no words to say, you are all
My world shrinks to a ball
Just you and me, standing in the hall

Twisted passages through your mind
I feel your torment, I scream in kind
Your pain is like sweet poison
Kills me, gives me the strength to carry on
I need to reach the center
To find the reason, so I enter
In the heart of your fractured brain
All I see is a little white crane

Eric Clapton sings of love and heartbreak
I feel like exploding, I need to make
A reason for this escape
Into my mind and my life
I look for answers, I flee the strife
Of this world, where sadness is rife
humanity is in distress
And it seems life is just a mess
I need a release from this stress.

The water winds through a barren land
Once a forest, it was felled by man’s hand
In this place, not so long in the past
Animals hunted, died to break another’s fast
The trees grew, and dappled sunlight fell upon the ground
Night fell, and it’s velvet cloak was unbroken all ‘round
Then came man with his view of reality
And everything changed, so we could be
Now the trees are gone, the ground is bare
No longer will the wind ruffle the bobcat’s hair
A land of beauty, of natural perfection and splendor
Razed to make one thousand of the same door.
That will adorn one thousand identical homes
In suburbia, paradise for those who wont read my poems
Heaven for conformity, for pain
For everything being the same.
A heaven for those called sane.

Strong silken strands
Soft in my hands
Creamy skin so white
Let me see it tonight
Lips of rich red-gold
Make me feel so bold
Your beauty seduces my every sense
Makes me feel dense
Enchanting me so well
For you, I would march through hell
Your words make me quiver
Your touch makes me shiver
Oh why oh why, cant you be mine
Oh why oh why, isn’t everything fine.

Darkness appeals to me
It sets me free
Within the anonymity of night
I can do anything, without fright
When the deep night does come
My mind begins to hum
With questions and answers
Thoughts and cancers
I wonder, and talk about reality
Out flows my creativity

Now it is night
Soft darkness enfolds the light
Blackness dispelled only by the moon
It can turn a man into a loon
The inky dark creeps along my windowsill
I look out, and let the darkness do as it will
It cradles me like a child
Makes all life seem mild
When the sun is gone
All my problems are as one
They rise up to consume me
But I fight to live happily

The world rushes in at me
So much to see, to know to do, to be
A little speck rushes past a mite
Its you and me, passing in the night
Step back from life, and see it all
Then dive back in, begin to fall
You will never hit the wall

There you stand, legs firm in the sand
Grains rub against your feet
Knees bent, ready to leap
So strong so proud
Never to humble, never to fall
Suddenly, the ledge gives way
The air whips past your eyes
As the rock begins to crumble
The light recedes to the skies
You fall, past the edge
Past redemption, past a chance
To hang on till the end
As you fall towards the spray
A flower, on a ledge
White and perfect as a snowflake
It seems to beckon
But you whip past it, fast as thought
The sea parts in the face of you
Your passage mars it for but a moment
As the ripples die away
You sink down through the sea
The bottom beckons, life is far away
Nothing holds you to this world
Save the remnant of the sky
Left in your lungs
But in a mind devoid of hope
A single petal takes shape
The flower on the ledge is eternal
Brings you back to the surface
As your face breaks the waves again
You feel raindrops on your head
The pitter-patter makes impressions
On the white flower, floating
Near your hand.

Time to write a little? Or a lot? Lets see what I’ve got!
Time to break the silence

I think so much, but I never say
A hundredth part of what I think every day
This is not the time to write, like that
It’s a time to rhyme so phat

Start me out talking bout how shits going
Like bullshit with da cops and stress every night
Sometimes I feel like every day is wrong
But I get up and go, and try to make it right

I slide through the days in a permanent haze
Not to plagarize but mos def just puts it so good
I can’t even fucking paraphrase
His words just describe my mood

Right, sliding along through the moments
Letting it all pass me by, doing nothing
I need to fucking take on my opponents
Roll up my sleeves and do something

Like talib says, just ‘do somethin’ I say how?
Whats right to do, whats right to say
Just, how the fuck am I supposed to know
Ain’t nothing in my life stays same day to day

Its all here and there, and its all change
I want to just scream and make it all stop
Stand still for a minute and address the range
Let people know I got some knowledge to drop

Tell them to do, be, think, care, share, and live right
Stop criticizing, stand up and make a damn stand
People are the power, lets flex our might
But who the fuck am I to say this shit so grand

watch this space

i'm going to open with some old shit, my saved writings from the past few years.

once i've gotten all the old shit up, i'm going to work on getting something new up here most days

it might be poetry, essays, rants or opinions

links, ideas, news and music

whatever the fuck

                                   i feel like

kick it?

hooked on kickin it
addicted to kickin it
to legit to quit to kick it
can't stop won't stop kickin it
let me kick it or give me death
to kick it or not to kick it

kick it