Thursday, March 5, 2009

the end of the world as you know it

I am wasted potential wrecked futures decaying on the ground,
Spent seed in trashcans, empty shells in the sudan
Golden ruin in the sand, could have been a man
No direction

Nowhere to go anymore, nothing is worth it
Cynicism is an empty sort of wisdom
These days we all crave the tit
Teat of solace, come kingdom
Distraction, abstraction, rationalization, mendacity, mediocrity, hypocrisy

No one cares as the fires rage Reagan seeds come to fruition as great clouds of death

The world is a lie mothers tell their children so they can sleep at night

But we don’t sleep and we are scared
So they drug us good and happy sleepy complacent stoned cows Buddha like in the gathering storm darkness
Has the hurricane hit? Is this the eye of the storm?
Or is it the calm before…….

Come oh storm, oh electric fury oh thunderous majesty come storm to make me whole again I will ride you I have been waiting

All my life for this moment, when the whole world is in flux, shifts, ready to change. Find the fulcrum and it all slides left into that great abyss of life off the precipice of irrational number crunching bureaucratic triplicate automized automat cookie cutter living and into

The great wide open. Under these skies of blue

And when the storm hits who will give you shelter? Where you gonna run to mr. Man? Who are you mr. man why have you done this for so long to so many people.

Who hurt you as a child? Who didn’t love you? Why didn't you love?

You can’t hear me…..all your thousands of ears must be reached and made to listen and think and open up to the freshness of the world around them.

Society is like a gradually thickening scab cutting us off from the reality of the world around us till we are trapped in webs of unreality irrationality insane things that we do everyday and think it’s all fine but this plan is fucked up, we can see it, we can say it but we keep on trucking through to the promised land climbing the mountain making wealth forever and ever till the earth dies beneath our feet and our tears are the only thing left to drink


  1. "Society is like a gradually thickening scab cutting us off from the reality of the world around us till we are trapped in webs of unreality irrationality insane things that we do everyday and think it’s all fine..."

    My absolute favorite part. The tone is amazing - the right balance of bitterness and blunt honesty - and really drives home the point that the world as a whole can be hard to navigate and full of hypocrisy.

    The only thing i would even venture to suggest as far as changes go.....the third part in the phrase "Who hurt you as a child? Who didn’t love you? Why don’t you love?" would sound better with "don't" as "didn't" so as to keep the tense in the past. Just a thought.

  2. thanks for the feedback, i dig it, its done
